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Southill Hub to host fourth Regeneration Jobs Fair of 2023



More than 20 employers, educational bodies and support services taking stands at the fourth Regeneration Jobs Fair of 2023

The fourth Regeneration Jobs Fair of 2023 comes to the Southill Hub on Thursday, October 19

The fourth Regeneration Jobs Fair of 2023 comes to the Southill Hub on Thursday, October 19

Residents in the area are invited to embark on the journey to a new career with more than twenty employers, educational bodies and support services taking stands at the event.

Over one-thousand people attended the three previous Regeneration Jobs Fairs in Moyross, Ballinacurra Weston and St Mary’s Park earlier in the year.

The Southill Jobs Fair is the final event for 2023 offering people a chance to potentially meet their new employer.





Confirmed to be taking stands at the event are Maldron Hotels, Mr Price, Johnson & Johnson, Bidvest Noonan, Gleeson Sports, Decathlon, Care Bright, O’Brien’s Wines, Fitzgeralds Skip Hire, FAI ETB Development Player Programme, An Garda Siochana, The Defence Forces, Peter McVerry Trust, and Enable Ireland.

Also in attendance will be Novas, Southill Afterschools Club CE Scheme, Barnardos, CPL Recruitment, Limerick Youth Service, Limerick & Clare Education & Training Board, Technological University of the Shannon (TUS), College of FET, Hospitality Campus, Southill Hub, Southill Family Resource Centre, TAIT House,  PAUL Partnership, Department of Social Protection, and Limerick City & County Council.

Mayor of the City and County of Limerick, Cllr Gerald Mitchell is encouraging residents in the area to participate, “The Regeneration Jobs Fair gathers knowledge, expertise and all around good advice together in one room. It’s a perfect opportunity to explore career and education options. I would encourage residents in Southill and surrounding areas to take that first step – it could take you places you never expected.”

Joe Delaney, Director of Limerick Regeneration Directorate said, “The fourth of the Regeneration Community Jobs Fair that is taking place in Southill Hub marks a significant opportunity for the community and those seeking training or employment opportunities.  The event aims to connect the local residents with potential job opportunities and explore various career and education paths and I encourage all of the community to attend on the night.”

Find out more here.
Read more employment news here.

Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.