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Horror filmmaking workshop for teens, Fresh Blood 2022, takes place this November 2 and 3



Fresh Blood 2022 workshop is perfect for the Halloween break. The two-day course features screenings of short films, discussions, and the chance to develop their own horror story for the big screen.

The workshop is open to anyone between 13-17 where students will learn all the tricks of the trade

By I Love Limerick correspondent Ellie McCarthy

The students will spend two days making their very own short horror film.

Fresh Film’s annual horror filmmaking workshop is back again and will take place at Tait House Community Enterprise on Roxboro Road in Southill on Wednesday, November 2 and Thursday, November 3, 2022.





It is perfect for the Halloween break as Fresh Blood 2022 is a hands-on horror filmmaking production workshop for teenagers. Participants will explore the horror genre with screenings of short films, discussions, and the chance to develop their own horror stories for the screen!

With the help of award-winning screenwriters and filmmakers, the students will spend two days making their very own short horror films.

Day one will be full of inspiring horror screenings, which will inspire the participants to write their movie and day two will be dedicated to shooting and editing the spookiest short film you can think of.

The workshop is aimed at young aspiring filmmakers and is open to anyone between the ages of 13-17 with an interest in filmmaking, especially the horror kind. It is the perfect opportunity to learn all the tricks of the trade.

Fresh Film is an advocate for young filmmakers that provides support and services to young filmmakers all year round. Now in its 25th year, Fresh Film encourages young people from Ireland and overseas to create, exhibit and share films. Originally, founded in Limerick, it didn’t take long for the organisation to gain national and international recognition. 

Fresh Film also encourages young people to make films by hosting the annual Fresh International Film Festival which incorporates Ireland’s Young Filmmaker of the Year Awards. The festival provides an opportunity for these young filmmakers to see their work on the big screen and compete for the title of Ireland’s Young Filmmaker of the Year and to win a cash prize towards their next film.

The Fresh International Film Festival provides an opportunity for young filmmakers to see their work on the big screen and to compete for the title of Ireland’s Young Filmmaker of the Year which constitutes three sections: Junior (7-12 years), Senior (12- 18 years), and The International (7-19 years). Each section is open to individual filmmakers, schools, youth, and community groups.

Fresh Film runs programmes throughout the year under five headings: Fresh Events, Fresh Education, Fresh International, Fresh Production and Fresh International Film Festival.

The cost of the two-day workshop is €10 per person and snacks are provided on the days.

Get ready for the spookiest workshop of your life!

Places are limited, to secure your place for Fresh Blood 2022, go HERE

For more information about Fresh Film, go HERE

For more stories on film, go HERE

Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.