PHOTOS Funky Socks Coffee Morning with Network Ireland Limerick for Down Syndrome Limerick
Funky Socks Coffee Morning for World Down Syndrome Day. Ellen Tuffy, Chairperson, Down Syndrome Limerick (back left) and Karen Ronan, president of Network Ireland Limerick (back right) with supporters of Down Syndrome Limerick.
Network Ireland Limerick hosts a Funky Socks Coffee Morning for Down Syndrome Limerick as they prepare for their annual World Down Syndrome Day celebrations on March 21

Next Tuesday, Network Limerick are hosting a Funky Socks Coffee morning at the Savoy Hotel from 10:30am to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day. Some of Down Syndrome Limerick’s members will be there to kick off the day of celebrations. Funky socks are part of the dress code for the event!
This UN-recognised day is a global celebration of people with Down syndrome, their abilities, their rights and the important contribution that they make in their communities and in society.
This year the theme for World Down Syndrome Day is “With Us Not For Us”, which is focused on a human rights-based approach to disability – the right to be treated fairly, have the same opportunities as everyone else, and the freedom for people to make their own choices.
People often ask about the significance of the socks. Ellen Tuffy, Chairperson of Down Syndrome Limerick explains;
“People typically have 23 pairs of chromosomes – 46 in total. People with Down syndrome have 47 – the extra one arises from the triplication of the 21st chromosome. Hence Down syndrome is also known as Trisomy 21. When you look at chromosomes under the microscope, they look like little socks and so we ask people on World Down Syndrome Day to rock their funky socks to celebrate people with Down syndrome who rock their extra chromosome. The day is a day to recognise and celebrate the amazing abilities that people with Down syndrome have, a day to raise awareness and a day to break down the stereotypical biases that exist with regards to people with disabilities.”
In Down Syndrome Limerick, almost 200 people with Down syndrome are availing of services and supports. Their members range in age from newborn babies to 76 years! Parental support, counselling, Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, school supports programmes, adult education and employment programmes are among some of the services on offer at Down Syndrome Limerick. There are also a range of social activities for the members such as cycling lessons, swim lessons, youth club, drama, dance and music.
The charity is run on a voluntary basis by parents whose main objective is to help people with Down syndrome to reach their full potential and to realise their dreams. They receive no government funding and are reliant on the support of individuals and businesses to help them with their fundraising campaigns.
Down Syndrome Limerick would appreciate any donations to support their World Down Syndrome Campaign.
Read more stories here.
Donate at www.donorbox.org/wdsd or scan the QR code. To find out more about World Down Syndrome Day and Down Syndrome Limerick visit www.downsyndromelimerick.ie/wdsd
Pictures: Olena Oleksienko/ilovelimerick