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Narrative 4 Christmas evening promises music and stories with Internationally acclaimed musicians and writers



Colm McCann is the author of seven novels, three collections of stories, two works of non-fiction, and is chair and co-founder of Narrative 4 will be joined by a host of celebrated writers and musicians including the Frames violinist Colm Mac Con Iomaire this Christmas in Limerick

Narrative 4 Christmas will bring Award-winning novelist Colum McCann joined by a host of celebrated writers and musicians including the Frames violinist Colm Mac Con Iomaire to Limerick

Narrative 4 Christmas evening promises music and stories with Internationally acclaimed musicians and writers
Colm Mac Con Iomaire is a well-known violinist, composer, film score arranger, and a founding member of hugely successful Irish bands: The Frames and Kíla. He has released three solo albums to critical acclaim: “The Hare’s Corner” 2008, “And Now The Weather” 2015 and “The River Holds Its Breath” 2019

An Ode to Christmas will celebrate Christmas’ past through music, song and story on Thursday, December 7 at Narrative 4, 58 O’Connell Street at 7.30pm.

Colum McCann says,  “I am really looking forward to the event. I live in New York and I love to come home to Ireland at Christmas time. The event raises money for Narrative 4, an education youth project that is very close to my heart”.

As well as Colm Mac Con Iomaire, Colum McCann will be joined by writers Vivienne McKechnie, Róisín Meaney and special guests. The event raises funds for school programme Narrative 4, an intervention programme that teaches empathy and relationship skills to young people to address isolation and bullying.







Narrative 4 have trained teachers in 40 per cent of secondary schools across Ireland. The Irish charity replicated a successful USA youth programme of the same name.

Tickets are priced at €20 and can be purchased on or by calling  061-315656. A raffle with prizes of artworks and literature will be available on the night.

Colm McCann is the author of seven novels, three collections of stories, two works of non-fiction, and is chair and co-founder of Narrative 4.

Narrative 4 Ireland was established in 2016 and is a registered Irish charity which has licensed the Story Exchange programme from the US-based Narrative 4 Inc., which was founded by writers & educators in 2012.

Buy your tickets here.
Read more Narrative 4 stories here.

Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.