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Limerick Smarter Travel are top of the class at National Smarter Travel Awards 2017

Limerick Smarter Travel and its partners Northern Trust, UL and LIT are top of the class when it comes to the National Smarter Travel Awards 2017 after scooping eight out of the 13 awards on offer.

Northern Trust in Limerick was crowned the overall winners at the event in the Aisling Hotel in Dublin and was presented with the Overall Smarter Travel Workplace for initiatives implemented in the company to promote more sustainable forms of transport amongst its staff.

Aimee Reed from Northern Trust was the winner of the Smarter Travel Workplaces Coordinator Award at the National Smarter Travel Awards 2017. Aimee has worked on many projects to promote smarter travel.  The company also won the Smarter Travel Carsharing Workplace category.





Limerick City and County Council was awarded the Smarter Travel Workplace Walking Award at the National Smarter Travel Awards 2017 to acknowledge their efforts to encourage and support staff to walk to work. It’s ‘Beat the Chief’ Challenge, dared staff to walk more than the Chief Executive in one week.

Denise McEvoy from Limerick Institute of Technology was the winner of the new Curriculum Development category.  This represents important work developing student curriculum to promote walking, cycling, public transport and car sharing, in an effort to engage students through their multimedia coursework and to support a culture of smarter travel within the campus.

The University of Limerick was acknowledged in three categories for the work that has been undertaken in recent years to promote and facilitate walking and cycling and their establishment of a cross-functional working group to enable these actions across campus.

Miriam O’Donoghue from Limerick Smarter Travel at Limerick City and County Council said: “I’m delighted with all the awards for Limerick. Limerick Smarter travel is all about getting people to think about how they travel, focusing on more sustainable modes of transport.”

“Over the past number of years, we have developed the infrastructure to allow people to walk and cycle much more safely. The Limerick city to UL and Corbally riverbank shared walk and cycle way is one of the projects we’ve been involved in.”

“In addition to the local authority winning the award, our partners in Northern Trust, UL and LIT have also won.  Smarter Travel is a partnership approach and we need everyone to buy into it for it to be a success.”

“The co-ordinated approach in Limerick and these eight awards show we are on the right path.”

Smarter Travel Workplaces and Campuses is a public awareness programme working with large employers to implement voluntary workplace travel plans. A growing number of Irish employers are engaging in Smarter Travel, working with their employees to facilitate travel choice in favour of more sustainable transport, resulting in reduced costs, enhanced employee wellbeing, better access and more effective parking management.

Anne Graham, Chief Executive Officer at the National Transport Authority said: “A growing network of organisations in Ireland are engaging in Smarter Travel, working with their staff and students to facilitate travel choice in favour of more sustainable transport, resulting in reduced costs, enhanced employee wellbeing, better access and more effective parking management.”

“Internationally workplace travel plans have been shown to reduce single-occupant car use by 10-24%. The promotion and facilitation of cycling, in particular, both on campuses and in workplaces made for strong competition, which highlights the growing interest in cycling across Ireland. The Awards are well placed to act as inspiration and leadership as we recognise organisations that are paving the way for more sustainable travel options.”

Awards were presented in 13 categories across different modes of transport, overall workplace and campus, student projects and curriculum development. The University of Limerick took the lead amongst third-level institutions, taking home the award for Cycling Campus of the Year, Smarter Travel Campus Working Group of the Year and Walking Campus of the Year.

Winners in the workplace categories included: Northern Trust, Limerick; Limerick City and County Council; and St Vincent’s University Hospital, Dublin.

Winners in the campus categories included University College Dublin, University of Limerick, Waterford IT, Maynooth University, and Dublin City University.

Full List of this year’s winners:

Overall Smarter Travel Workplace– Northern Trust, Limerick

Smarter Travel Walking Workplace – Limerick City and County Council

Smarter Travel Cycling Workplace – Saint Vincent’s University Hospital

Smarter Travel Carsharing Workplace – Northern Trust, Limerick

Smarter Travel Workplace Coordinator – Aimee Reed, Northern Trust, Limerick

Overall Smarter Travel Campus – University College Dublin

Smarter Travel Walking Campus – University of Limerick

Smarter Travel Cycling Campus – University of Limerick

Smarter Travel Public Transport Campus – Dublin City University

Smarter Travel Carsharing Campus – Maynooth University

Smarter Travel Campus Working Group – University of Limerick

Smarter Travel Student Project – Aisling McGrath, Waterford IT

Smarter Travel Curriculum Development – Denise McEvoy, Limerick IT


To learn more about Limerick Smarter Travel click HERE

To read more about Limerick Smarter Travel on ilovelimerick click HERE

Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.