NCCWN Limerick Women’s Network seeks Women for Change
The NCCWN Limerick Women’s Network are running a free four-week programme, Women for Change in partnership with the National Women’s Council of Ireland. They aim at bringing a diversity of women who are currently involved or are interested in getting more involved in representation and participation in their local communities together, in accessing training, peer support and advocate for women’s equality and social change. The programme will run across four Tuesday mornings from 10 am – 1 pm, starting on April 30th in the Moyross Community Enterprise Centre.
Newly appointed Coordinator of NCCWN Limerick Women’s Network, Edel Geraghty, said, “We are delighted to be working with the National Women’s Council of Ireland on this national programme. We have designed this programme specifically for the women of Limerick. Based on feedback from women, we will focus on women’s representation on the local council and other structures as well as how to develop and run campaigns. This course is particularly of interest to those representing an issue or their community already, as well as those who want to become more involved.”
Anyone interested in signing up for Women for Change or who would like to learn more about it are welcome to contact Edel or Yvie on 087-3283746 / 061-275970 or by emailing [email protected]. Details can also be found on their facebook page.
Programme Details:
Women for Change
Tuesday, April 30th, May 7th, May 14th & May 21st
10 am – 1 pm
Moyross Community Enterprise Centre
About NCCWN:
NCCWN or The National Collective of Community Based Women’s Networks are a national origination funded in 2002. Their vison is for a “just and equal society for women”. They value social inclusion, Acknowledgement for both equality and diversity, the empowerment of Women, Feminism, Community education as well as “Collective analysis, collective action and collective outcomes”.
For more info go HERE
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