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NOVAS annual Christmas Sleep-Out is set to take place on Friday, December 8 in Limerick City Centre



The 2023 NOVAS Christmas Sleep-Out will take place on December 8 with people outside Brown Thomas on O Connell Street from 7pm to 6am

NOVAS annual Christmas Sleep-Out in solidarity with people experiencing homelessness

NOVAS annual Christmas Sleep-Out is set to take place on Friday, December 8 in Limerick city centre
The event is taking place outside Brown Thomas on O Connell Street from 7pm to 6am

The event is taking place outside Brown Thomas on O Connell Street from 7pm to 6am. NOVAS is asking people across the city and county to give up their bed for one night, in solidarity with people experiencing homelessness.  The NOVAS Christmas Sleep-Out ensures the most vulnerable people in our community receive the vital support they need.

The Sleep-Out is NOVAS largest fundraising event of the year and monies raised go directly to frontline services in the region. With more people than ever experiencing homelessness, events like this are vital in supporting the organisation’s services, such as its Street Outreach service in the city.

There will be music, food and plenty of hot drinks throughout the night. The much coveted Liam McCarthy Cup will also make an appearance.  





Jackie Leonard, Head of Fundraising with NOVAS is urging people to get involved; ‘it is always a fun and festive night, that also shines a light on the homeless issue in Limerick and raises vital funds for our services here. If you, your friends, family or work colleagues would like to do something before Christmas, this might be the event for you. We are asking people to raise as much money as possible in advance through online fundraising or through sponsorship cards.’

If you would like donate to or participate in the event and raise vital funds for homeless services in Limerick, you can contact [email protected] or ring NOVAS Head Office on 061 370325.

Find out more here.
Read more stories about NOVAS here.

Donations can be made to the sleep-out here.

Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.