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Students bring festive cheer to Neonatal Unit Students bring festive cheer to Neonatal Unit


Students bring festive cheer to Neonatal Unit



Transition Year Students from Colaiste Nano Nagle, Sexton Street in Limerick wanted to bring some festive cheer to the Neonatal Unit in Limerick Maternity Hospital for Christmas 2014 and they have done just that and more.

The students were inspired after listening to one of their teachers explained her experiences of being in the Neonatal Unit in Limerick Maternity Hospital with her son a few years ago. Their teacher spoke highly of the midwives and staff in the unit and that they tried their best to make Christmas as special as they could but it wasn’t the same. She wanted to be at home with all her family celebrating Christmas. The girls were inspired and wanted to make some changes to the Neonatal Unit for Christmas 2014 and made it their Young Social Innovator Project, where they were going to make changes about something they cared so deeply about.

Students bring festive cheer to Neonatal Unit

Transition Year students Natasha Kelly and Anthoniet Ohayna with some of their knitted Christmas decorations.

The students began a knitting project and knitted outfits for the babies to wear as they posed for their photo with Santa Claus on his visit to the unit. They also knitted angel, snowmen and Santa decorations for the tree in the unit. They hoped that this would make even the smallest bit of a difference to the families of the children who were spending Christmas in the unit. The students knitting idea has now developed into a fundraising initiative. The girls are now running a fundraising campaign to raise money to install a TV and a radio in the nursing room situated in the Neonatal Unit to help provide a more homely environment for the new mothers and their babies. Up to now, the students have raised around €250 with their bake sale, maths guessing game and raffle. They plan to continue to raise as much as they can so that it could go towards purchasing much needed medical equipment for the unit.





Students bring festive cheer to Neonatal Unit

The knitted Santa hats, snowmen, angels, stockings and Santas for the Christmas Tree in the Neonatal Unit in Limerick Maternity Hospital



Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.