Thelma & Louise Back to School Fundraiser
Thelma & Louise’s Back to School Party at Clohessys/Sinbin is in aid of Self Help Africa and their mission is to eradicate poverty and hunger by providing rural African communities with the opportunities to market and sell their produce. Self Help Africa will be 30 years old next year and was set up in 1984 to after the famine in Ethiopia. It’s CEO is Ray Jordan from Limerick
The Great Ethiopian Run is the largest road race in Africa with almost 40,000 people taking part. My trip to Ethiopia will be with a group of 30, and will include visit to Orphanages, cultural nights, taking part in the run, and visits to Self Help Africa projects where I will get to see how my fundraising impacts on African Families there. The average wage is 13€ a month.
Photos by David Woodland for www.ILoveLimerick.com. STANDARD DISCLAIMER – Do not copy, cut, alter,print or use in any way without express permission. Sharing of images online by David Woodland in no way licences the use of said images without the express agreement from David Woodland or representatives.
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