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Walk It, Run It, Love It campaign has Limerick on the right path Walk It, Run It, Love It campaign has Limerick on the right path


Walk It, Run It, Love It campaign has Limerick on the right trail



Walk It, Run It, Love It campaign achieved over 1.4 million impressions across social media and almost half a million video views. Liskennett Forest Trail – Credit: Gareth Laheen

The Walk It, Run It, Love It campaign to promote healthy exploration of Limerick’s scenic outdoors proved a hit with strong engagement from visitors and locals

‘Walk It, Run It, Love It’ achieved over 1.4 million impressions across social media and almost half a million video views. 

The campaign encouraged walkers, runners and hikers to discover spectacular countryside, mountain trails, forest parks and beautiful scenery. 

It was developed by the Marketing and Communications Department at Limerick City and County Council in response to a reinvigorated interest in outdoor activity during Covid-19 related lockdowns. 





Locals and visitors were encouraged to explore urban routes and county trails. The routes featured on a series of promotional videos, commissioned by and released across social media throughout the campaign from January 22 to February 19 2023.   

The routes also featured on a twenty-page digital and print guide with 15,000 copies printed for distribution. 

The routes have received funding from the Department of Rural and Community Development, Fáilte Ireland and Limerick City and County Council under the Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme.   

A Limerick Walk It, Run It, Love It playlist was specially curated featuring an eclectic array of musicians from Limerick’s vibrant music scene. 

The campaign also raised awareness about newly developed trails, Kilmoylan Woods Nature Trail, Liskennett Forest Trail and Galtymore. The three trails had been relatively undiscovered hidden gems. 

Walk It, Run It, Love It had a number of aims including showcasing and growing Limerick’s profile as a leisure tourism destination and support rural regeneration and development. 

The campaign also encouraged locals and visitors to explore Limerick’s great outdoors with a range of urban routes and county trails to choose from. 

Supporting and promoting Healthy Limerick’s key principles which aim to improve health, positive wellbeing and quality of life was also an aim.  

Reaction to the multimedia campaign was overwhelmingly positive with analysis showing a Reach of 719,723, with 155,492 Engagements and 1.4 million Impressions. There were 499,002 Videos Views. 

Donn O’Sullivan, Head of Marketing and Communications with Limerick City and County Council said: 

“The Walk It, Run It, Love It campaign by Limerick City and County Council, was a resounding success. The awareness raised of the trails feature helped to promoted healthy lifestyles and community engagement with everyone’s local walks. With thousands of participants exploring Limerick, it encouraged individuals to take steps towards better physical and mental wellbeing as well as sampling some of the best views the county has to offer” 

The guide tied in with the objectives and aims of Limerick Sports Partnership, Healthy Limerick and Healthy Ireland as a means of helping locals and visitors to Limerick in becoming healthier.  

The Walk It Run It Love It digital guide is available for download here.
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Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.