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Foroige Satellite Studios Community Art Project is taking place throughout Newcastle West



Foroige Satellite Studios – Pictured above is artist Michaél Rowesome, Elaine Williams, project coordinator for the Foróige Creative Learning Hub, with 14-year-old Riain and his artwork, ‘D&D In The Sky.’

Foroige Satellite Studios Community Art Project is taking place throughout Newcastle West

By I Love Limerick Correspondent Ann Mc Donald

Foroige Satellite Studios

‘Electrical Rebellion’ is an original design by Elena, 14 years old, created as part of the Foroige Satellite Studios Community Art Project.





A series of artworks, created under the Foroige Satellite Studios project, have been appearing throughout Newcastle west over the summer. 

These artworks, mainly appearing on ESB Networks pillar boxes, showcase the talents of a group of young artists who make up members of the Youth Advisory Squad. 

The Satellite Studios project is a collaborative effort between Foróige, Newcastle West Tidy Towns, Newcastle West Arts, Limerick County Council, and Tusla.

The project was run under the staying connected, switching off, being creative and minding your mood initiative under Limerick County Council fund.

The project is supported by native multimedia artist Michaél Rowesome.

“Young people have been out in all kinds of weather to make sure to complete it,” explains Elaine Williams project coordinator for the Foróige Creative Learning Hub and youth worker in the West Limerick Youth Initiative.

This initiative was conducted in all sorts of mediums with a combination of WhatsApp, Zoom, virtual reality, indoors/outdoors, following all government guidelines to complete it. This is a hybrid youth work model, a new term in the youth work dictionary. 

The Youth Advisory Squad aims to bring joy to people with themes of identity, individuality, interests, and diversity. 

The squad aims to the active leaders in their community and to take action after a challenging time in their development, and in the development of their community.

The young people involved represent the diverse demographic of the multi-cultural population of Newcastle West and surrounding areas. 

The participants are unanimous in their positive reaction to the programme, saying, “It’s been an amazing experience with everyone sharing experiences, knowledge and expertise. Parents are great to get involved and businesses have been donating food for the young people’s lunches, I always knew people from West Limerick had a great sense of community but the positive feedback we have gotten has been unreal. People are passing telling us how great it all is, chatting, smiling, it’s great for everyone as the last 18 + months have been so tough.”

The Foróige Creative Learning Hub is a co-op of people of all ages working together to share skills, learn new talents, work on collaborative projects and explore new possibilities. It was formed in 2020 by youths who wanted to see an initiative for young people by young people. 

Contact [email protected] for more information.

For more information on Foróige go HERE 

For more stories on Foróige go HERE 

Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.