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Global network to connect Limerick people Global network to connect Limerick people


Global network to connect Limerick people



Details have been announced of a new project that aims to build on the success of last year’s Gathering initiative by reaching out to over 3.5 million people from and with a connection to Limerick City, County and the Region.

Coordinated by Limerick City and County Council and supported by a Working Group drawn from the local community, the Global Limerick Network (GLN) is seeking to create a worldwide network through which Limerick people will facilitate the connection of the Irish Diaspora.

“The GLN’s mission is to provide a platform for people from Limerick to meet, re-establish and build new friendships, to learn about their communities, exchange information, network, share ideas, and for any other purpose the members of the Network think useful,” explained GLN spokesperson, Mr. Tim O’Connor.

Mr. O’Connor, who is a member of the Limerick City of Culture Board and is former Chairman of the Gathering Advisory Board, added: “Most of all, the Global Limerick Network will enable people living in Limerick and its hinterland today to re-connect to the large number of people from the region living around the world, thereby creating a global Limerick community of interests and mutual support.”





Mr. O’Connor said the future directions and priorities of the GLN will be informed by an online survey seeking the public’s opinion about the proposed initiative. This online survey seeks public opinion about existing connections to Limerick and the potential for re-connecting while living outside Limerick.

“A network of any kind is there to be used and to benefit those associated with it,” he said. How it is used is up to those involved. It could be for a multitude of purposes including business, social, tracing ancestry and many others. It is essential to the work of the Global Limerick Network to open and develop communication channels with people connected to Limerick and this survey is a mechanism to begin that dialogue,” Mr O’Connor explained.

The GLN online survey – ‘Connecting with Limerick’ is available on Survey participants will be in with a chance of winning a weekend in Limerick (two-night stay in The George Boutique Hotel, one evening meal) or one of three Certificates of Irish Heritage.

Visit for more on the Global Limerick Network.

Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.