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Limerick Craft Hub Fundraiser Campaign Limerick Craft Hub Fundraiser Campaign


VIDEO – Limerick Craft Hub Fundraiser Campaign



The Limerick Craft Hub, having been established as a Legacy Project of Limerick’s City of Culture, in conjunction with the Limerick Craft Collective, creates a focal identity and destination for craft and design, Handmade in Limerick, through retail, gallery, classroom and open studios.

From it’s city centre location, it promotes and supports over 40 local craft micro businesses by providing a high end retail outlet. It also provides educational and event facilities to the public in it’s classsroom & gallery, while providing working studios to 5 craft businesses through it’s 3 studios in ceramics, feltmaking and silversmithing.

Limerick Craft Hub is reaching out in its hour of need. The one year anniversary of it opening it’s doors to the Limerick public is approaching and the Hub needs to upgrade urgently. 

A grant has been secured from LEO but a matching amount needs to be raised for the grant to be received.





The Hub badly needs a new till system, bigger kiln, laptops for the marketing team and coffee machine for all who come in to enjoy the creative atmosphere. The new till system will mean that the sales staff can serve it’s national and international visitors with ease. The new bigger kiln will be opened up to the public. It is hoped that the Hub can provide a much needed service for graduates of Limerick School of Art and Design, Limerick College of Further Education and local ceramists or people who just have a love for clay.

The crowd sourcing campaign is being held on and was launched on Tuesday.  Along with every donation given people receive an accompanying ‘perk’ of various handmade in Limerick crafts.

To get involved with the Limerick Craft Hub Fundraiser click here.

Check out the Limerick Craft Hub in more deatil here.

Follow Limerick Craft Hub on Twitter and Facebook here and here.



Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.