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PHOTOS – Limerick Pride Parade 2014 & After Party




Limerick Pride Parade & After Party 2014


limerick pride parade and after party 2014The Limerick Pride Parade 2014 with an After Party at the Potato Market and took place on August 30 and was a huge success. This year’s Limerick Pride Festival had events all week with a fantastic line up this year in honour of Limerick City of Culture. There was something for everyone during Pride Week 2014 culminating with the annual Pride Parade on Saturday 30th August and PrideFest after party at The Potato Market. All of Limerick was welcome to come and celebrate LGBT culture to show Limerick for the truly open and accepting city that she is. The Festival ran until Sunday August 31 and feature a multitude of events, from workshops and discussion of current political issues to evenings of traditional Irish music and club nights, to cater to the Pride needs of everyone. Highlights included The Priscilla Experience, a screening of the camp classic Priscilla, Queen of the Desert in full cinema setting with a few surprises thrown into the mix.  On Thursday, August 28, 8.30pm at Crush 87 nightclub, the new Mr. & Ms. Gay Limerick 2014 will be crowned.  Saturday August 30 saw the annual Pride Parade bring some extra colour and music to Limerick City Centre, as it makes its way from City Hall up O’Connell St, across Mallow St to Henry St, before returning to the Potato Market for PrideFest 2014 – a showcase of LGBT Culture in Limerick! This year PrideFest had it all, with free entry, a bigger stage and even bigger performances, featuring Laura Tapp, Europe’s No 1 Pink Tribute, Grenade and X Factor semi-finalist Misha B with your hosts Queen Celine and Paul Ryder.

For up to the minute updates on #LimerickPride visit our social wall at To see RuPaul and Michelle Visage of RuPauls Drag Race wishing Limerick a Happy Limerick Pride go to






Photos by Dolf Patijn for 2014. All Rights Reserved.


Photos by Dolf Patijn for 2014. All Rights Reserved.

Photos by David Woodland for 2014. All Rights Reserved.

Photos by Cian McNamara for 2014. All Rights Reserved.

Photos by Caleb Purcell l for 2014. All Rights Reserved.

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Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.