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Pollinators for Earth Day is a significant aspect of Earth Day this year. Homeowners are encouraged to sign up and pledge their garden under the Limerick City and County Council ‘s new plan to save the pollinators. Pollinators for Earth Day is a significant aspect of Earth Day this year. Homeowners are encouraged to sign up and pledge their garden under the Limerick City and County Council ‘s new plan to save the pollinators.


Pledge your Garden to Pollinators for 2021 Earth Day



Pollinators for Earth Day is a significant aspect of Earth Day this year. Homeowners are encouraged to sign up and pledge their garden under the Limerick City and County Council‘s new plan to save the pollinators.

Pledge your Garden to Pollinators for 2021 Earth Day

To mark Earth Day [today Thursday 22 April 2021], Limerick City and County Council is encouraging as many homeowners as possible to put their garden on the map by pledging their garden to pollinators.

The restrictions since 2020 due to Covid-19 has led to a renewed interest in our own gardens with more and more people making their garden much more wildlife-friendly.





Any garden – big or small – with a few simple changes can provide more food and shelter for our pollinating insects, while at the same time creating a beautiful, colourful garden for you, your family and eventually guests to enjoy.

More information is available on the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan website.


Mayor of the City and County of Limerick Cllr Michael Collins said: “Limerick City and County Council is a signatory to the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan and to celebrate Earth Day I would encourage as many Limerick citizens as possible to ‘Pledge your Garden to Pollinators’.”

Taking the online pledge is a simple process. At the click of a button, you are given a variety of actions you may undertake, such as, Don’t Mow Let It Grow, leaving patches of nettles, planting pollinator-friendly perennials.

Almost 500 gardens have been registered nationally to date. Pledging your garden to this initiative means you will be part of a network of pollinator-friendly pit stops dotted across Ireland. For further information see the Pollinators website.

In addition, the Mayor welcomed the uptake by Tidy Towns and other groups across the city and country of the uptake of the Council’s Don’t Mow Let It Grow/ Let It Bee initiative across the city and county.

Signage has been provided to more than 25 Tidy Towns and other groups interested in promoting pollinator-friendly mowing.

Any groups looking for Don’t Mow Let It Grow/ Let It Bee signage should contact Limerick City and County Council on 061 556000 | email: [email protected]  | Log on to My Limerick on


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Richard is a presenter, producer, songwriter and actor. He was named the Limerick Person of the Year (2011) and won an online award at the Metro Éireann Media and Multicultural Awards (2011) for promoting multi-culturalism online. Richard says that the concept is very much a community driven project that aims to document life in Limerick. So, that in 20 years time people can look back and remember the events that were making the headlines.