George Boutique Hotel send off Limerick Rose
George Boutique Hotel send off Limerick Rose.
Bottom clockwise David O’Keeffe, Mark Delahunty, Tom Cranley, Ryan Garry, Niall Liston. Centre Marie Hennessy 2016 Limerick Rose.
Marie Hennessy, representing Limerick at the Rose of Tralee is all set for her appearance at the festival which sees representatives from Irish communities worldwide.
Saying fair well to Limerick before meeting up with her other Rose Sisters from 64 other parts of the world in Dublin, 2016 Limerick Rose Marie Hennessy was treated to a night of superb food in the George Boutique Hotel. Marie was joined by of 5 of the Rose of Tralee International Escorts from Limerick.
“I’m so excited for Tralee, it will be a great experience and its great to meet some of the Rose Escorts before we meet them all in Tralee” Marie said, “I can’t believe it has come to August already, I have really enjoyed representing Limerick as a Rose since the Selection in March.”
The young Limerick Rose is a secondary school teacher at Desmond College, teaching English and irish. She holds and Arts degree in English and Irish which she achieved at the University of Limerick.
The Rose Escorts are all prepared after undergoing a bootcamp in Kerry in preparation for Tralee next week. “It has been a great experience, we have really bonded with the other Rose Escorts and will be in tip top shape for the festival” Ryan Garry escort sponsored by the George Boutique Hotel said “All the suits are pressed and Shoes polished ready to go, preparation is key.”
This year’s rose of Tralee Festival will run from Wednesday, August 17 to Tuesday, August 23 when one of the more than 60 entrants will be crowned Ireland’s 2016 Rose of Tralee. Events over the week include the Rose Ball, the Rose of Tralee Fashion Show and both tv nights which include interviews with presenter Daithí Ó Sé.
For more information on the Rose of Tralee Festival click here.
Here you can find more information on The George Boutique.
Read more stories related to the Rose of Tralee here.