Patient Council at UL Hospitals Group pictured above – Members of the UL Hospitals Group Patient Council with Group CEO Professor Colette Cowan, front row, centre, and...
Launching the UL Hospital Group Strategic Plan 2023-2027 were Dr Anwar Alabri, Non-Consultant Hospital Doctor, Neurology; Somini Paul, Clinical Nurse Manager; Prof Colette Cowan, CEO, UL Hospitals Group; Suzanne Dunne, Chief of Strategy and Transformation; Aoife...
Prof Calvin Coffey pictured above received the Bengt Ihre Lectureship and Silver Medal in recognition of research into the mesenteric organ, which provided an accurate description of...
UL Hospitals Group sustainability – Pictured at the bank of PV cells on the roof of the 60-Bed Block at UHL are (front): Kevin Mahoney, Electrical Maintenance...
UL Hospitals Visitor Booking App – Bernadette Murphy, Director of Nursing, Perioperative Directorate, UL Hospitals Group: “The new Visitor Booking App will make the visiting and...
Surgeon Colin Peirce delivered an online Grand Rounds presentation for The Mayo Clinic. UL Hospitals Group surgeon delivers virtual Grand Rounds presentation to The Mayo Clinic...
ULHG Patient Council members (l to r) Elizabeth O’Leary, Declan McNamara (vice-chairman), John O’Neill, Michael Ryan, John Hannafin (chairman), Judy Ryan, Anne Fitzgibbon, Melody Buckley, Marie...
Professor Jennifer Ni Mhuircheartaigh , pictured above has been appointed UL Hospitals Group’s first Professor of Radiology UL Hospitals Group appoints Professor Jennifer Ni Mhuircheartaigh as first Professor of Radiology...
International Nurses Day 2021 – Declan McNamara, Director of Nursing, Medicine Directorate, presents breakfast treats to Anglea Cajes 4th year intern student nurse and Joan Magner Clinical Nurse...
Dr Siobhan Neville, pictured above, is taking up a dual role that includes Senior Lecturer in Paediatrics at the University of Limerick School of Medicine. ...
UL Hospitals Group fundraised for 4 charities. Pictured above are members of Limerick Suicide Watch receiving their share of the proceeds from the UL Hospitals Group...
Healthcare Winter Plan has been launched by UL Hospitals Group (ULHG) and HSE Mid-West Community Healthcare. University Hospital Limerick pictured above. UL Hospitals Group & HSE Mid-West launch Healthcare Winter...
Mr Mekki Medani graduated from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) in 2006. UL Hospitals Group Appoints Mr Mekki Medani Consultant Vascular Surgeon ...
UHL consultant anaesthesiologists – Pictured above is Dr Hugh O’Callaghan UL Hospitals Group announce the appointment of three UHL consultant anaesthesiologists UL Hospitals Group is pleased to...
UL Intermediate Care Facility (ICF) located in the UL Sport Arena was opened, by UL Clinical Director Paul Burke, President Dr Des Fitzgerald and Colette Cowan,...
UL Hospitals Group Staff Recognition Awards 2019 – Colette Cowan presents the award for Innovation in a Non-Clinical Area to the Catering Team from St John’s Hospital,...