Limerick LGBTI Pride Festival 2016 – Richard pictured with Broden Giambrone, CEO Transgender Equality Network Ireland (TENI) and supporters of TENI at Limerick LGBTI Pride Parade 2016. Picture: Dolf Patijn/ilovelimerick....
Mr Ms Gay Limerick 2016 – Lisa Daly, Organiser, Michelle Brown, Ms Gay Limerick 2016, Richard Lynch, PRO Limerick Pride 2016, Christian Moretti, Mr Gay Limerick 2016 and...
Limerick LGBTI Pride Festival 2016 press launch – Pictured above Lisa Daly, Chairperson Limerick LGBTI Pride 2016, Gerald Mitchell, Deputy Mayor of Limerick, Elsie Cox, Strokers Gay...
BeLonGTo and the HSE create a new Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender, LGBT safe and supportive schools project model. The LGBT Safe and Supportive Schools Project...
BeLonG To, Ireland’s LGBT Youth Organisation, creates Belong To the Future Day following last year’s Marriage Equality Referendum in Ireland. BeLonG To provides nation-wide critical support services such...