Jonathan Harker & DRACULA This new adaptation of Bram Stoker’s iconic masterpiece on vampirism, sees Gerard McCarthy playing both Jonathan Harker, whose diaries chronicle the bloody...
The show must go on “Opera triumphs over war” Ellen Kent Starring Korean soprano, Elena Dee and Japanese soprano Miki Mori* The award winning producer Ellen...
A whimsical, bittersweet collection of photographs of well-worn, but well-loved stuffed animals by one of Ireland’s top portrait photographers is among the highlights of the 3rd...
Much Too Young Garth Brooks Roadshow Comes to Limerick This June Friday June 13th Limerick Strand Hotel. Doors open 8.30pm. Tickets €20...
Robert C Kelly & University Concert Hall present – ALADDIN – UNIVERSITY CONCERT HALL, LIMERICK Starring: TWINK, Richie Hayes, Leanne Moore, Myles Breen, Richard Lynch...
Sing Out With Strings The Irish Chamber Orchestra’s Sing Out with Strings programme celebrated its 5th birthday, in true party style with a...
UCH Booking 061 331549 / December 21 – Jan 6, Dustin and Twink will be reunited on stage
Michelle Gallagher, CEO of Limerick Chamber and John Moran, Mayor of Limerick unveiled the plan to introduce a new shop local gift card to encourage shop...
20-year-old UL Software Engineering student, Aaron Roche is working on the ELEVATE project A UL software engineering student is working on a project that could help...
The donation to Down Syndrome Limerick from Amazon Dublin was made as part of Amazon’s programme to support the communities in and around its operating locations...
‘Coastal Watch Limerick’, a multi-agency initiative involving An Garda Síochána, the Irish Naval Service and Revenue’s Customs Service was launched on Saturday, 28th September, 2024. Superintendent...
Limerick family take on Cook Medical Mini Marathon with fundraiser in honour of “most loving” aunt and mother A Limerick family are teaming up to take...
NOVAS is one of two Limerick charities to receive AIB Community €1 Million Fund awards to support their service Limerick charities NOVAS and the Children’s Grief...
Brendan Courtney and Focus Ireland ambassador James Flanagan launch Shine A Light 2024 as Focus Ireland and Bord Gáis Energy call on people across the country...
Enobong Gideon Asuquo pictured above for UL Breastfeeding Week Enobong Gideon Asuquo tells her story about making breastfeeding work for you A researcher at University of Limerick...
Limerick’s Johnny Gaynor completes 800 km fundraiser Camino walk in memory of his late wife Catherine Johnny Gaynor has completed an 800 km walk along the...