Andrew Maxwell: Thought-provoking, charming and an acclaimed master of his craft, he has won and been nominated for numerous awards throughout his career. Andrew Maxwell ‘All Talk’...
Rachel McGill Limerick filmmaker: Local filmmaker Rachel McGill will be competing in the final of a national talent competition with a cash prize of €10,00. Rachel...
Limerick to echo to the beat of 17 marching bands at 47th Limerick International Band Championship Limerick to echo to the beat of 17 marching bands...
I Love Limerick Year Review 2016 Cliona’s Foundation celebrate raising one million euro with special guest Keith Duffy In January, to celebrate their 9th anniversary, Cliona’s Foundation Annual...
FreshFilmFestival Fundraising Screening of Mamma Mia will happen in the Milk Market on Saturday, July 16. The acclaimed film adaption of the musical, starred incredible actors...
2016 marks the sixth year of the Creative Show which finds them joining forces with more artistic and community groups around the city in this journey...
Micro launched the What’s Your Story competition at the Safer Internet Day. Celebrating 5 years, the video competition, What’s Your Story, promotes digital safety for your...
Pictured above (l-r): Hayley Cunningham, Amy Robyn Lyster, Jessie Keenan, Olwyn Lyons, Marion Cronin. Photo credit: Maurice Gunning Following five weeks of intensive training and rehearsals, Step Up...
Pictured Above: At the launch of Fresh Film Festival 2015 were young filmmakers from Limerick, Saoirse O’Connor, Ellen King, Tea Falade, Mia Daly, Leon O’Connor and...