Cat Reynolds Ancient History – The Limerick-born, London based musician draws from his combined influences as well as from a plethora of genres, from classic rock, jazz...
Cat Reynolds new single ‘This Evening’ is out now. Limerick singer-songwriter Cat Reynolds new single ‘This Evening’ is a hopeful ray of light By I Love...
Cat Reynolds new single ‘Chi Town’. Limerick singer-songwriter Cat Reynolds releases second single ‘Chi Town’ Limerick singer-songwriter Cat Reynolds has just released his second single ‘Chi...
Limerick musicians are using their music to bring people together during these difficult times. Pictured: Lost Boys, Aaron Hackett, Fox Jaw, Michelle Grimes, GodKnows, Emma Langford,...
Cat Reynolds is a Limerick-born up and coming singer-songwriter with his debut album coming Wednesday, May 20. Limerick singer-songwriter Cat Reynolds releases debut single From a very...