JP McManus ProAm Qualifiers for 2022 have been announced and include St Gabriel’s Foundation, Saoirse Addiction Treatment, Aisling Annacotty FC and Munster Heart Foundation. 59 teams competed...
The Munster Heart Foundation holding their annual lunch at the Savoy Hotel on the 14th of February 2020. Picture: Keith Wiseman. Munster Heart Foundation Ladies Lunch...
Munster Heart Foundation fundraiser: Pictured were Dr Samer Arnous, Cardiac services in UHL, Breda McDermott, UHL Cardilogy Nurse, Hillary Thompson, HT Model Agency, Ciara Cahill, Cardiac...
The 2nd Annual Munster Heart Foundation Ball takes place Saturday, February, 17 at the Limerick Strand Hotel. Munster Heart Foundation Ball 2018 raises funds for new...