Midwest Action Plan for Jobs: Pat Breen TD, Minister for Trade, Employment, Business, EU Digital Single Market and Data Protection, Barry O’Sullivan, chair of Mid-West APJ...
Dermot Carroll, Niamh Buckley, Jenna Barry, Sandra Lorenz-O’Sullivan, Fiona Gavigan (back) and Laura Blewitt, Eamon Ryan, Kaisa Zabinska and Catherine O’Brien (front) at the BNest Social...
Limerick Institute of Technology (LIT) is to provide almost 250 third level places in nine targeted part-time, evening and blended courses, as part of a Government...
Kasia Zabinska and BNest, Eamon Ryan, BNest Founder (centre back) with some of the participants from the 2017-18 BNest social enterprise incubator at the launch of...
LIT Cook Medical and VistaMed partnership, entitled the INCASE project will allow LIT to work with companies to develop assembly process in line with the fourth...
Linda Ledger, St. Munchin’s Community Enterprise Centre, Bernadette Kemmy, CEO BlueBox Creative Arts Therapy, Eamon Ryan, BNest Founder, Sister Helen Culhane, Children’s Grief Centre, Ursula Mackenzie,...
Chris Gordon, founder, and CEO of the Irish Social Enterprise Network, Gert O’Rourke, Nexus Innovation Centre Manager with Kasia Zabinska and Eamon Ryan of BNest at...
At the Network Ireland, Limerick Fuelling Ambition Roadshow, at the Savoy Hotel in association with Enterprise Ireland was Valerie O’Gorman, Entrepreneurs Academy, Valerie Murphy, Valerie’s Breast...
Richard Lynch, ilovelimerick with Jp McManus, Paul O’Connell, Helen O’Donnell and Senator Maria Byrne at the People’s Park for TLC 4 which took place on Friday,...
TLC4 takes place this Good Friday, March 30, and in conjunction with Tait House and TLC4 Tait House a Trash fashion show will be held for...
Limerick’s economic resurgence was reinforced today as the Shannon Foynes Port Company (SFPC) Limerick Docklands Framework Strategy was unveiled to transform 75acres of prime, noncore...
At the launch of the ITLG Young Innovators Challenge, Karen Haskett and Celine Joyce from Aer Lingus (sponsors), with Emma Ryan, Gort Community School and RTE Dragon and ITLG Co-Founder...
The launch of the Mid West Careers Fair 2018 brought to you by the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection and sponsored by The Mid...
Denis Doyle, Vice President and General Manager of Manufacturing, Analog Devices International with Leo McHugh, Vice President, Industrial Business Units, presenting a cheque to Anne Marie...
SSE Airtricity Community Awards 2018 presented over €210,000 to Limerick and Kerry Community Groups. Among those attending were Anne Reynolds, Communications Development Officer, SSE Airtricity(centre right)with...
Limerick’s new Gardens International project will be fully let in 2019. Gardens International project on track to be fully let – Limerick Twenty Thirty by ilovelimerick...