Cannes Film Festival – Pictured above are Paul Ryan and Rachael Power, from Film in Limerick, Dr Susan Liddy, President of Women in Film and Television...
Fresh Film announce partnership with Omniplex Cinema Group for 2024 Fresh International Film Festival. Pictured at the launch at Omniplex Cinema Limerick were, Ava Ross Young...
Justine Stafford pictured above with Stephen Byrne, her co-host for this year’s Fresh International Film Festival Comedian and social creative Justine Stafford tells her Fresh Film Story I first...
Limerick City and County Council Culture and Arts Office and Fresh Film present a series of workshops ‘Fresh Film Seasonal Online Workshops’. Fresh Film Seasonal Online...
Bleeding Heart Pigeons new video pictured above is out now! Fresh Film teams with Local Creative Youth Partnership to produce music video for Limerick band Bleeding Heart Pigeons Fresh...
Young filmmakers who took part in the Fresh Film Festival attended Sul Og and Fresh After Eight. Pictured at the Súl Óg Young Filmmakers Day at...
Conor McMahon, Film Director (centre), with participants from the Fresh Film Festival workshops. Photo: Cian Reinhardt/ilovelimerick. VIDEO & PHOTOS – Filmmaker Conor McMahon speaks at Fresh Film Festival Workshop ...
Fresh Film Festival announces 2019 programme. Pictured are Luke from Limerick, Chloe from Cork, Oisin from Clare, Rebecca from Tipperary, Jonathan from Kerry and Meghan from...
The Fresh Film Festival Limerick heats 2019 will take place at the Belltable Arts Centre on Tuesday, March 5. Pictured is Jayne Foley, Founder and Creative...
Vincent Lambe and cast and crew of Detainment pictured after winning several awards at the Richard Harris International Film Festival 2018 Previous winner of Fresh Film...
Hothouse 2017/18 is a project partner-shipped with the Ombudsman for Children’s Office. The premiere of new short films in the Fresh Film Festival to mark the 25th anniversary...
John, 17, winner of Ireland’s Young Filmmaker of the Year Senior Award 2018 pictured with Jayne Foley, Founder and Creative Director of Fresh Film Festival at...
The Fresh Film Festival 2018 programme was announced following the regional heats of Ireland’s Young Filmmaker took place across Ireland last week. Picture: Dermot Culhane. Fresh...
Jayne Foley, Director Fresh Film Festival with Young Filmmakers from Fresh Film Festival at the Troy Studios Engine Event. Picture: Sophie Goodwin/ilovelimerick Young Filmmakers from...
Jayne Foley, Founder and Creative Director of Limerick’s Fresh Film Festival. Picture: Sophie Goodwin/ilovelimerick Fresh Film Festival Founder Jayne Foley talks Ireland’s Young Filmmaker of the...
Pictured at the Fresh Film Festival Heats 2017 in The Galway Town Hall Theatre, actress Laura Connolly and director Johnathan Connolly promoting their film ‘Stranger Danger’. Young Filmmaker Johnathan...